Seth Koch, was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, educated in Binghamton, NY for undergraduate studies and received his degree in veterinary medicine in 1965 from the University of Pennsylvania. Following his internship, he obtained an NIH Fellowship to study ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School where he received a master’s degree in comparative ophthalmology from the Graduate School of Medicine and the Veterinary School.
Dr. Koch is a pioneer in veterinary ophthalmology; specializing in the medical and surgical treatment of acute and chronic eye problems in companion and exotic animals of almost every variety. He has treated a variety of animals including an African lion, a Komodo dragon, a panda, elephants and birds. He was a consultant to the Chesapeake Wildlife Foundation and the National Zoo prior to moving from Washington D.C. to Philadelphia.
Over the years he has trained many students in the field of ophthalmology. He was an adjunct member of the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania for 20 years and has published 40-plus papers, contributed chapters to scholarly textbooks and has lectured throughout the U.S. and Europe. Considered an expert in the area of Parotid Duct surgery, he produced an instructional video titled: Parotid Duct Transposition in the Dog.