Here at Hickory Veterinary and Specialty Hospital we work to provide our clients with a one stop location for all of their needs. Looking to travel with your pet? We have USDA Accredited Veterinarians on staff to help you obtain their health certification. Currently our veterinarians are accredited in dog and cat health certification. To learn more about traveling with your dog or cat click here. Give us a call at the hospital to learn more about our accreditation process or to schedule an appointment: 610-828-3054. These are by appointment only and scheduled with specified doctors.

Dr. Tiffany Kay is a USDA Accredited Veterinarian. She can help provide you with the health certificate you need to travel with your dog or cat internationally or interstate.

Dr. Jaclyn O’Pella is a USDA Accredited Veterinarian. She can help provide you with the health certificate you need to travel with your dog or cat internationally or interstate.