Canine Behavior Recheck Appointment

If you have submitted your form and have not heard back from our team within 72 hours OR you did not receive an email confirmation of your form submission, please reach out to us directly at [email protected].

Dog Recheck History
City, State, Zip
Behavior Medications
Response to Medication
Response to Medication
Response to Medication
Response to Medication
New Behavioral Problems
Severity of Problem
Severity of Problem
Severity of Problem
Severity of Problem
Pre-Existing Behavioral Problems
Improvement of Intensity
Improvement of Frequency
Improvement of Intensity
Improvement of Frequency
Improvement of Intensity
Improvement of Frequency
Improvement of Intensity
Improvement of Frequency
Have there been any changes in your household since your last appointment?
If so, what has changed?
Current Management

Please indicate below what recommendations you have implemented what what was the outcome:

Please indicate below what specific exercises have you worked on, and how have you progressed with them

Number of bites since your last visit?
Number of bites that broke skin?
Number of bites reported to public health authorities? (ie. local authorities, hospital, humane society, etc.
Have you recently considered finding another home for this pet?
Have you recently considered euthanasia? (putting your pet to sleep)
Has the behavior service helped you with your pet?